31 Days of Organizing: Day 5 (Like With Like) | From Overwhelmed to Organized: 31 Days of Organizing: Day 5 (Like With Like)

Friday, October 5, 2012

31 Days of Organizing: Day 5 (Like With Like)

Welcome to Day Five of the 31 Days of Organizing Tips series!  

Today's tip is to group like items together when you organize.  This is a great method to help you move from overwhelmed to organized!

Grouping like with like helps you find what you're looking for quickly, rather than searching for things you've stored in different places.  It also helps you see how much you have of a particular item so you know when to stock up or when you have too much of an item.

This post has been moved to my business website's blog: https://fromoverwhelmedtoorganized.com/31-days-of-organizing-day-5-like-with-like/. Please check it out there. 

Happy organizing!